Podcast Test

Episode 30

Spring Break 2020: The perfect time for horsemanship education (no, really it is).

I know this is a challenging time for horse people. Shows and favorite clinics are postponed. Riding stables and lesson programs are on hiatus. Some equestrians are confined in self-quarantine. Over the years, I’ve been through periods of epic disruption (such as multiple natural disasters). Each time, I gained insight about my horses and myself. After the chaos subsided, I found that my riding had improved significantly – in spite of being completely removed from my normal barn routine. I want to share my knowledge and help during this temporary chaos of coronavirus. So I’ll be offering customized education tips, classes, podcast episodes and coaching to support riders who feel sidelined and frustrated now. For more details, please stay tuned for daily posts here. 

Equestrians are people of action – and we don’t idle well (especially if we can’t ride much). Let’s put our energy toward making progress on our horse goals – and wrestle amazing positive results from this annoying pandemic phase. We ride at dawn!